Monday, June 13, 2005

Freakonomics and Bullshit

Started reading the fun and thought-provoking book Freakonomics, which I recommend, but also Penn & Teller's Showtime series, now out on DVD (and torrents), Bullshit! It's been great to watch this with my 17 year old son. Last night we watched some episodes on bottled water, fung shui, second-hand smoke, end-of-the-world dopes...

Of course, P&T give it their spin, their attitude. That's what makes it fun. It's unfair, biased, and lacks suficient research, but in general it's very good. Something ALL high school students should see. Be a little skeptical, question authority...

Freakonomics goes even further, uncovering cheats, crooks, and sloppy thinking. Paradim shifts are smooth, leaving you thinking, in hindsight, "that's so obvious, now!"

Still, even though there are notes at the back of the book, it's light on data. One has to trust these experts even as they teach us not to rely on experts.

Being someone who is involved in the interpretive-dance with data at work (massaging our customer satistfaction feedback) I have always been leery of how data is used and abused (and the fact dad taught statistics at the university and dinner table). It doesn't suprise me that most people, myself included, are not trained or experienced with statistics, but that we are not more skeptical.

We seem to treat trust statistics (see the classic How To Lie With Statistics) especially with any kind of social pressure.

Even when it's bullshit.

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