Wednesday, September 30, 2009

بچه‌های آسمان

بچه‌های آسمان, (Bacheha-Ye aseman), or in English, Children of Heaven, is the 1997 Iranian movie, made for around $180,000 US in Tehran. A story of childhood; a brother and sister who have to share a pair of shoes.  The insular world of childhood, where an invisible drama takes place in the home, in the school, and in the narrow streets, where the adults are oblivious. Director Mojdi got some solid performances from all his actors, who I would guess are non-actors. Its simple, stark, yet sometimes lyrical story reminded me of The Bicycle Thieves, one of my favorite films. The final scene may seem anti-climatic, but I gasped at its poetry. I look forward to seeing more of writer-director Majid Mojdi's films. Bring Kleenex.

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