Monday, April 07, 2008

Stonestown; Monday Morning

For some reason, this Borders gets trashed more than any other Borders I've worked at; even Union Square. I don't know if some law and order is possible, but it's really ridiculous. Not uncommon to see people with an armload of magazines or books they have NO intention of buying, camping out for hours and leaving them scattered on the floor.

Saw a man yesterday with more than a dozen in a series of Manga piled on the floor next to him, reading in a chair (with his feet over the arm, of course). I wanted to take his picture, it was so outrageous. Are we a business?

It makes finding a book very difficult and the store looks like hell. It's depressing to the staff and other customers. Maybe a simple "rule" not to put books or magazines on the floor...

1 comment:

mary ann said...

I so agree, but am shocked that Stonestown is even worse than Union Square. Lately I find myself making less-than-nice comments to the folks who camp out all day. Things like, "may I put these magazines away or are you planning to buy ALL of them?"
I want to get rid of every single comfy chair. Glad you are happy in Stonetown ~ you are adaptable, that's for sure.