Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Umbrella Umbrige

OK, I didn't know it was "raining" out until I stepped out the front door on my way to work (Did my neighbors get up and water in the middle of the night?). A beautiful mist, not even enough to fog my glasses. Air alive with Spring, sweet and pregnant.

But then up Powell street, a forest of umbrellas. When did umbrellas get to be a socially accetable way to be rude? Besides being totally unnecessary and missing the beauty of a gentle rain upon the skin, these umbrelites seem to need to extend their personal space into larger radii than anyone with social sense would ever claim under any other circumstances.

And what's up with these anal-retentites wearing a hat AND carrying an umbrella?

If you are insecure enough to feel you need to flaut your personal space at least have the minimum social grace to keep your personal dome out of my face. Carry it up high and for God's sake stop waving it around!

Otherwise you may find your spoked insecurity-blanket shoved up your tight ass.

1 comment:

mary ann said...

well, i couldn't agree with
you more, Mr. Bla Bla...I
enjoyed this piece